What’s new
‘+’ = New feature
‘-‘ = Bug fixed or Removed
‘*’ = Improved or Changed

Version 3.66

– Fixed a memory leak bug

– Fixed some minor bugs

Version 3.62

+ Added the support for VisualStudio 2010

Version 3.62

– Fixed some minor bugs

+ Added the SkinFormsOnly property

Version 3.61

+ Added the support for Marquee style of progressbar

Version 3.6

* Improved the compatibility with some third-party controls

* Improved the performance of skinning

– Fixed some minor bugs

+ Added the support for ComponentOne Studio Enterprise v2.0 (2008/10/12)

Version 3.5

* Improved the support for scrollbars of RichEdit like controls

– Fixed some minor bugs

Version 3.41

– Fixed some minor bugs

Version 3.4

+ Added the support for Infragistics NetAdvantage 2007 v7.1

Version 3.4

* Improved the support for DataGrid and DataGridView control

Version 3.3

+ Vista RC2 is supported

+ Form accept button is supported

* Improved RTL with .NET framework 1.1

Version 3.2

+ Added the support for Windows Vista Beta 2

Version 3.1

+ Added the support for third-party controls

Version 3.01

+ Supports to skin the header of list view controls

– Fixed some minor bugs

Version 3.0

+ Fully supports Sunisoft Skin Solutions v2
Upgraded specification for skin description, more flexible in design and implementation.
A brand new SkinBuilder tool which is much easier to use for UI/skin designers.
Added the support for password protected skin file.
Decreased the size of the skin file much.
Supports more flexible design for the shape of a window. Just use transparent color to define non-rectangle title bar and/or bottom border.
Supports 5 sections definition for title bar, so that a special section can be designed for showing the caption of the window.
Added the definition for title bar font color.
Improved definition for progress bars.
Added the definition for main menu bar.
Added the definition for button font color.
Added the support for indeterminate status of check boxes.
Improved the skin effect of the slider of scroll bars.

-Fixed some bugs in version 2.x
Version 2.7

+ Right-to-left Layout is supported

Version 2.6

+ Supports to skin the VScrollBar/HScrollBar controls

+ Supports to skin the scrollbars of DataGrid control

Version 2.5

+ Added the “right-to-left” support for menus

+ Added the “right-to-left” support for other controls

+ Added the “MDIList” support for MainMenu
Version 2.1

– Removed the flicker of the buttons of message boxes when mouse down

* Optimized the painting when many controls in one form
Version 2.0

+ Supports to skin the dialogs and message boxes

+ Added the support for skinning scroll bars

+ Released a new IrisSkin2.DLL to fully-support the VisualStudio 2005

+ Added some properties and methods to control the skin engine

– Fixed some bugs in version 1.x
Version 1.11

* Improved the performance of showing MDI client forms

* Avoided the flickering when loading forms

Version 1.1

+ Strong named assembly

* Improved the behavior of the menu bar in MDI form

Version 1.01

– Fixed a bug “can’t work with WebBrowser ActiveX”

– Removed the flickering of title bar buttons

Version 1.0

First release